On Saturday, April 12, Central Methodist University will host the United Methodist Day of the Arts at the Fayette, Missouri campus. CMU invites the congregations of the United Methodist Church (UMC) and the Missouri Annual Conference to experience praise band concerts, the Chorale and Conservatory Singers concert, theatre, opera, workshops, and an open house at the Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art.
Reverend Bill O’Neal, major gift officer for CMU’s advancement and alumni relations office, says the Day of the Arts is about connecting the United Methodist Churches to Central’s outstanding art programs and institutions such as the Swinney Conservatory of Music, the Little Theatre, and the Ashby-Hodge Gallery. O’Neal hopes that experiencing these events will prompt attendees to ask themselves how they can implement the arts into worship, and especially into outreach, at their own churches.
“My hope is they come, they're inspired, they see the great music program we have here and they get on campus,” O’Neal said. “I want them to feel the presence of God on campus.”
Performances on the day will begin at 10 a.m. and feature the CMU choirs, concert and praise bands, opera, and theatre, as well as a performance by Dr. Roger Drake, CMU president. Lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m., followed by breakout sessions on different forms of art and conversations on how art can be used for outreach.
The Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art will also be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the first floor of Classic Hall. The Gallery is currently running its “Musical Conservations” exhibit, featuring local Missouri artists.
To register for the event, visit https://forms.gle/Wbmzg2sAUp7gpCs2A. For questions or more information, contact O’Neal at 660-248-6234 or woneal@centralmethodist.edu.