Unterreiner Joins Admissions Staff

Tyler-U.jpgDecember 2021 Central Methodist University graduate Tyler Unterreiner became the latest alumnus to join his alma mater’s enrollment management team this week, joining the staff as an admissions counselor.

Unterreiner, a Perryville native, recently earned his bachelor’s degree and has plans to pursue a master’s in special education, but for now he is looking forward to working in a “familiar” place.

“I’m very familiar with [the university] and it’s a good place for me to start to succeed,” he said. “My responsibilities will be recruitment and reaching out to potential students. I’m really excited about that because I’m a people person and I just like building connections with people."

During his time as a Central student, Unterreiner was a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon and the football team, including this year’s Heart of America South Conference title-winning team.

Outside of his work duties, Unterreiner is enthusiastic about movies and video games, as well as spending time with his pets. He currently resides in Fayette.

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