Central Methodist University’s College of Graduate and Extended Studies (CGES) is providing great opportunities for community college students wishing to work toward a four-year degree.
The Gulstad Achievement Award was established to provide scholarship money to qualified community college students who would like to continue their education through CMU.
Five students in the St. Louis area – four who studied at Jefferson College and one who studied at St. Louis Community College (SLCC) – were recently named recipients of the award.
From Jefferson College, awardees included Nicolas Thebeau, elementary education (Hillsboro, Mo.); Alicia Notter, nursing (Columbia, Ill.); Dennis Kohl, nursing (Dittmer, Mo.); and Hannah Gegg, early childhood education (Ste. Genevieve, Mo.).
Erika Roy, nursing (Florissant, Mo.) was the award recipient from SLCC.
These students will receive $1,000 over two semesters during the 2019-20 academic year.
The Gulstad Achievement Award is named after longtime CMU provost Dr. Rita Gulstad who said “CMU recognizes the value of a community college degree, and wants to continue opportunities for community college graduates at CMU.”
For more information about CMU, its College of Graduate and Extended Studies (CGES), or the Gulstad Achievement Award, contact Aimee Sage, director of CGES Admissions, at 660-248-6651 or asage@centralmethodist.edu.